The roadmap is a joint initiative of the AIM Academy and PhotonDelta, with the objective to establish and sustain a trust based global network of industrial and R&D partners, who are working together on defining and creating future PIC technology and systems requirements. Continue reading “The Integrated Photonics Systems Roadmap – International (IPSR-I) 2020 is available now”
European Conference on Integrated Optics 2017 Welcomes JePPIX as Bronze Partner
European Conference on Integrated Optics 2017 Welcomes JePPIX as Bronze Partner
About JePPIX
JePPIX has successfully brought the European InP photonic integrated circuit (PIC) community together as a coherent force to advance and promote technology. JePPIX provides
- Open access technology. The Process Design Kit (PDK) at the heart of the multiproject wafers technology provides seamless cooperation between designers, software developers, fabs, and prototype builders and one-stop-shop brokering.
- Technology acceleration, enabling major advances in technology building blocks, leveraging know-how from multiple academic and industrial partners, across a number of joint R&D projects. JePPIX R&D focusses on InP and SiNx integration platforms and also hybrid combinations.
- Training events and technology forums enable designers to skill-up and connect with innovators and experts in the photonic integration eco-system. JePPIX connects at expos, workshops and offers training courses around the globe.
- Eco-system development is at the heart of what we do. The JePPIX Roadmap maps out the future evolution of technology, markets and the eco-system. Be a part of the next JePPIX Roadmap by completing the new technology PIC designer survey.
Continue reading “European Conference on Integrated Optics 2017 Welcomes JePPIX as Bronze Partner”