European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) 2017 Prize Winners

European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) 2017 Prize WinnersPhoto impression

Best Oral Presentation – sponsored by VLC Photonics

Youwen Fan, University of Twente, PhD,

Best Poster Presentation – sponsored by Oclaro

Daniel Grajales, CSIC / ICN2, Student

About European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) 2017

ECIO 2017 took place on April 03-05, 2017, at Eindhoven University of Technology, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

The European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) 2017 featured over 100 talks from international academic experts on topics of interest, such as Waveguide technology and platforms, Devices and materials, Integrated Circuits, Application of Photonic Integrated Circuits. Furthermore, Leading edge research from IBM, Hewlett Packard, Oclaro, Seagate, ST microelectronics, NTT Japan and others were presented.

The first day, April 03, featured special sessions on Devices, Advanced Materials, Monolithic Circuits, Nanophotonics, Telecoms Devices, Nonlinear & Quantum and Receivers.

On April 04, the talks focused on Mid Infrared Devices, Analog Photonics, Datacomm, Hybrid Integration, Electro-Optic Devices, Photonic Sensors and Open Access PIC Technology.

The third day included sessions on Applications and Membrane & MEMS, as well as a joint-session with OWTNM.

Besides the talks, ECIO 2017 also hosted an exhibition, where SMART Photonics, PhoeniX Software, VPIphotonics, NKT Photonics, Light Tec, Photon Design, OpTek Systems, VLC Photonics, AMOs, Raith and EPIC were present.

European Conference on Integrated Optics 2017 welcomes NKT Photonics as Bronze Partner

NKT Photonics

European Conference on Integrated Optics 2017 welcomes NKT Photonics as Bronze Partner.

About NKT Photonics 
NKT Photonics is the leading supplier of high performance fiber lasers and photonic crystal fibers. Our main markets are within imaging, NanoPhotonics, sensing and material processing. Our products include pulsed lasers including broadband white light and mid-infrared supercontinuum sources for optical and component characterization, ultra-low noise single frequency fiber lasers for sensing and spectroscopy and a wide range of specialty fibers.  NKT Photonics has its headquarters in Denmark with sales and service worldwide and is wholly owned by NKT Holding A/S.

We have lasers in space and deep under the oceans and our products run in environments ranging from optical communications laboratories to oil rigs at sea. We seed the World’s largest laser fusion experiment and power hundreds of the most advanced microscopes on the Globe. We aim to make a difference in the World and we are involved in projects that will transform the way we live through life-science, renewable energy and the basic understanding of the Universe. With over fifteen years of expertise, IP and experience, NKT Photonics strives to continually be the market leader in everything we do. Continue reading “European Conference on Integrated Optics 2017 welcomes NKT Photonics as Bronze Partner” is media partner of ECIO 2017

optics org

optics org is media partner of European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) 2017, which takes place on 3 – 5 April 2017 at Eindhoven University of Technology, Blauwe Zaal in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

About is the leading online resource for the photonics industry and is the ideal place to market your company, products, services, job vacancies and events. Continue reading “ is media partner of ECIO 2017”

Deadline for ECIO 2017 Paper Submission Extended

ECIO 2017

Deadline for Paper Submission Extended

European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO)

3 – 5 April 2017, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Due to popular demand, we have decided to extend the paper submission deadline for ECIO 2017.

Revised deadlines

  • Deadline for paper submission23 December January 10, 17.00 CET
  • Author notification – 06 February
  • ECIO Conference – 03-05 April

We kindly invite you to present your results at the ECIO 2017 Continue reading “Deadline for ECIO 2017 Paper Submission Extended”

Christian Koos, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, is member of the Steering Committee of ECIO 2017

Christian Koos

Prof. Christian Koos, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), is member of the Steering Committee of European Conference on Integrated Optics ECIO 2017.

About Prof. Christian Koos
Christian Koos is a full professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), where he is director of the Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics (IPQ) and a member of the board of directors at the Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT). Continue reading “Christian Koos, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, is member of the Steering Committee of ECIO 2017”