Fraunhofer HHI is sponsor of the 2024 ECIO edition

Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) in Berlin is a world leading research institution specializing in optical communication networks, photonic components, and fiber optical sensor systems.

With a focus on advancing optical technology for telecommunications, sensing, and quantum communications, HHI conducts cutting-edge research and development in areas such as fiber optics, integrated photonics, terahertz spectroscopy, and high-speed data transmission. 

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Plasmonics for Integrated Optics

Plasmonics offers a novel approach to overcome the speed limitations of photonics. More importantly plasmonics is a high-speed solution providing lowest power operation on the smallest footprint with a path for CMOS compatible fabrication. In this plenary talk, after an introduction we will discuss latest results on novel modulators, detectors or THz sensors. We will then discuss challenges ahead as well as opportunities of this new field.

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