Advances in electro-optical components for datacom and sensing applications

This presentation provides an overview of recent advances in electro-optical devices and system architectures for data communications, telecommunication transceivers, and 3D sensing applications. On the transmitter side, progress in directly modulated lasers and externally modulated lasers will be reviewed. The directly modulated lasers include gallium arsenide (GaAs) vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) and Indium phosphide (InP) distributed feedback lasers (DFBs).

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Professor Lars Zimmermann is member of the Organising Committee for ECIO 2024

Lars Zimmermann is team leader Silicon Photonics and responsible for silicon photonic R&D within the department of technology at IHP (IHP – Leibniz Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik), Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. His current work is focusing on high-performance photonic-electronic integration for optical communications and for nonlinear optical signal processing.

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