Session Poster 2 New technology, new materials, new modelling for non-linear and passive devices

These papers were presented in the session Poster New technology, new materials, new modelling for non-linear and passive devices during the European Conference on Integrated Optics, 22nd edition 2020 in Paris

Low-loss single-mode waveguides operating at UV/violet wavelengths and fabricated with contactoptical lithography Student Paper

Chupao Lin 1,2, David Schaubroeck 3, Gunther Roelkens1,2, Roel Baets1,2and Nicolas Le Thomas1,21Photonics Research Group, INTEC Department, Ghent University-imec, Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde, 9052 Ghent, Belgium2Center for Nano-and Biophotonics, Ghent University, Belgium3Centre of Microsystems Technology (CMST), imecand Ghent University, Technologiepark 126, B-9052Zwijnaarde, Belgiume-mail:


We demonstrate air-claddingsingle-mode waveguides operating atultraviolet (UV) wavelengths with propagation loss of 5 dB/cm at λ =402 nm. Thewaveguides are fabricated withatomic layer deposition (ALD) of aluminium oxide (AlOx) on SiO2/Si substrates andwith contactoptical lithography.Thisenables an efficient, cost-effective and fast processing.Our result paves the way for on-chip UV spectroscopy

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Ultra-wide band inter-mode four-wave mixingin sub-wavelength silicon waveguides

Jianhao Zhang,1Carlos Alonso-Ramos,1Laurent Vivien,1Sailing He,2Eric Cassan11Université Paris-Saclay, Univ. Paris-Sud,CNRS, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, 91120, Palaiseau, France.2State Key Laboratory for Modern Optical Instrumentation, Centre for Optical and Electromagnetic Research, Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, Chinae-mail:


We propose anapproach to provide wideband inter-mode four-wave mixing independently of the intrinsic dispersion of the involved waveguide modes. Sub-wavelength engineering isadopted to design an effective lateral confinement photonic well, i.e. with a graded potential along the waveguide cross section providing flexible control over the modes’ confinement. The self-adaptive nature of the waveguide boundary allows different spatial modes with equi-spaced frequencies and shared propagation wavevector, thus automatically fulfilling both energy conservation and wavevector phase matching conditions. This strategy, which opens a design space for on-chip nonlinear applications, is applied here to silicon waveguides

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Two-process frequency conversion under stimulated Raman adiabatic passage via a continuum of dark intermediate modes

Pragati Aashna1and K Thyagarajan21Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Delhi, 1100162Department of Physics, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Bennett University, Greater Noida, UP,;


We study two-process frequency conversion using three wave mixing processes under stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in a planar-channel waveguide structure via an intermediate continuum of radiation modes with negligible power accumulation. The device is shown to have large bandwidth as well as high efficiency.

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Characterization of an Er3+/Yb3+Codoped Two CoreIntegrated Waveguide Femtosecond Laser written in a Phosphate Glass (Studentpaper)

BenedictoD1, DíasA2, Martín JC1, VallésJA2, SolísJ21Department of Applied Physics and I3A, Faculty of Sciences, University of Zaragoza, C/Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009Zaragoza(Spain).2Laser Processing Group, Instituto de Óptica “Daza de Valdés”, CSIC, C/ Serrano 121, 28006 Madrid (Spain).e-mail:


Integrated dualcore waveguides have been fabricated in Er3+/Yb3+co-doped phosphate glasses by femtosecond laser writing.Two-core waveguides have been characterized. First,an isolated one has been used in order to fit the theoretical model of theopticalpowerspropagation equations coupled to theenergy levelspopulationrate equations. Then, measurements of theoptical power at thetwo-corewaveguidesoutputendhave been carried out. A good agreementbetween measurements and simulationshas been found.

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Amorphous chalcogenide thin filmsfor nonlinear integrated optics in mid-infrared

J.-B. Dory1,2, J.-Y. Raty1,3,M. Ibnoussina2,J.-B. Jager4, A. Verdy1, F. d’Acapito5, M. Tessaire1, M. Bernard1, P. Colman2, A. Coillet2, B. Cluzel2and P. Noé11 Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CEA, LETI, F-38000 Grenoble, France.2ICB, UMR CNRS 5209, Université de Bourgogne Franche Comté, 21078 Dijon cedex, France3CESAM-Physics of Solids Interfaces and Nanostructures, B5, Université de Liège, Belgium.4Univ.Grenoble Alpes, CEA, INAC, F-38000 Grenoble, France.5CNR-IOM-OGG c/o ESRF –The European Synchrotron, F-38043 Grenoble, France.e-mail:;;


Some chalcogenide glasses (ChGs) are showing a large transparency window in the infrared coupled with outstanding optical nonlinearities offering tremendous opportunities for achievement of innovative mid-infrared (MIR) on-chip components. By means of industrial co-sputtering deposition technique, we study the amorphous structure and the nonlinear optical properties of As-free amorphous GeSbwSxSeyTezchalcogenide thin films. The nonlinear refractive Kerr index (n2) ofthe films were evaluated by means of modellingof spectroscopic ellipsometry data validated experimentally for some compositions by means of advanced nonlinear optical characterizations in waveguides. State-of-the-art and higher n2values were obtained. Depending on the composition of the GeSbwSxSeyTez, n2can vary of more than one order of magnitude. Finally, Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR), Raman and X-ray Absorption (XAS) spectroscopies analysis of the amorphous structure of some ChGs prototypical compositions in relation with their nonlinear optical properties was used as a basis for ab initiomolecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations. Thus, the intimal link between local atomic configurations and optical nonlinearities is proposed giving unique clues to control optical nonlinearities of chalcogenide materials.

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Polarization-selective defect mode suppression in a deterministic aperiodic photonic crystal through plasmon excitation in an embedded array of metallic nanoparticles

Student Paper Glukhov I.A.,1,2 Moiseev S.G.,2,3,4 Dadoenkova Yu.S.,1,2 Bentivegna F.F.L.1 1 Lab-STICC (UMR 6285), CNRS, ENIB, CS 73862, Brest Cedex 3, France 29238 2 Ulyanovsk State University, 42 Leo Tolstoy str., Ulyanovsk, Russia 432017 3 Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulyanovsk Branch, 48/2 Goncharov Str., Russia 432011 4 Ulyanovsk State Technical University, 32 Severny Venetz str., Ulyanovsk, Russia 432027 e-mail:


We show the possibility of a polarization-selective control of a defect mode in a multilayered photonic structure through the excitation of a surface plasmon resonance in a 2D periodic array of spheroidal metallic nanoparticles embedded in the structure. The system is a deterministic aperiodic photonic crystal, which allows to combine the resonances of the plasmonic and photonic subsystems in order to increase the sensitivity of the transmission spectrum of the structure to the constitutive parameters of the 2D nanoparticle array. Mode selectivity stems from the fact that the surface plasmon-assisted scattering of light by the nanoparticles strongly depends on the relative orientations of their anisotropy axis and the polarization direction of the incoming light.

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High refractive index low-loss aluminium oxidewaveguides(Student Paper)

W.A.P.M. Hendriks, M. Dijkstra,C.I. van Emmerik, I. HegemanS.M. García-BlancoMESA+ Institute, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7550 AE, Enschede, The Netherlandse-mail:


A high refractive index (n~1.715 at 633nm of wavelength) aluminium oxide slab waveguide has been developed, which exhibits very low losses from the near-UV to the near infrared wavelength range. Slab waveguide losses as low as 1.8dB/cm at 407nm and lessthan 0.1dB/cm at 1550nm of wavelength have been experimentally characterized. Such low losses are limited by surface scattering. The layer was deposited by reactive sputtercoatingwith an aluminium target, a set substrate temperature of 700C and an oxidation state of the target of 5%. The very high optical quality of this material, in combination with rare-earth ion doping, could pave the way towards high-gain on-chip amplifiers in different wavelength ranges, on-chip lasers and non-linear applications.

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Quantum Well Intermixing of InP-Based AlInGaAs Quantum Wells Using IFVD Technique and the Mask Boundary Effect

Zhengkai Jia1,Hua Yang2,Hui Wang1,Xing Dai1, AlisonH.Perrott1,2, Frank H. Peters1,31Integrated Photonics Groups, TyndallNational Institute, Cork, Ireland.2Rockley Photonics Ireland, Cork, Ireland3Department of Physics, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.e-mail:


This paper presents research on quantum well intermixing(QWI)using impurity-free vacancy-disordering (IFVD) whilestudying the effect of the QWI mask boundary. Using a SiNxfilm deposited by PECVD as a QWI mask and annealing under 725 ̊Cfor 2minutes, a 120nm wavelength blue shift of a FP laser is achieved using anInP-based AlInGaAs quantum well laser material. It is found that a7.5μm margin is needed between the QWI mask edgesand the non-QWI area during the QWI process. This will be a valuable reference for design and fabrication of photonic integration circuits(PICs) using QWI.

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Robust Architecture for Programmable Universal Unitaries

I.V. Kondratyev1, M. Yu. Saygin1, I. V. Dyakonov1, S. S. Straupe1, S. P. Kulik11MSU Quantum Technology Centre, Leninskie gory 1, building 35, 119991, Moscow, Russia.e-mail:


The key element of the linear optical quantum computer is an optical circuit realizing the sequence oftransformations defined by the required quantum algorithm. The most prominent approach of realizing suchcircuits is the reconfigurable integrated photonics. Here we study a novel universal linear-optical circuit designcomprised of the series of multimode mixing blocks followed by the phaseshifting elements. We providestrong evidence that the scheme can be used as a universal interferometer even when the block’s transfermatrices are chosen at random, making it virtually insensitive to errors. The proposed unitary composer canbe straightforwardly implemented using standard integrated photonic technologies. We provide guidelines forappropriate multiport beamsplitter fabrication using integrated waveguide lattices.

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Phase composition and electro-optic properties of channel proton-exchanged LiNbO3waveguides

S.M. Kostritskii1, Yu.N.Korkishko1, V.A. Fedorov1, O.G. Sevostyanov2, I.M. Chirkova2,E. Kokanyan3, M. Aillerie41RPC Optolink, Zelenograd, Sosnovaya al. 6A, 124489, Moscow, Russia2Institute of Basic Sciences, 650000, Kemerovo, Russia3Institute for Physical Research, Ashtarak-2, Armenia4Centrale Supеlec,LMOPS, University of Lorraine, Metz, Francee-mail:


Micro-Raman spectroscopy and Raman data calibration are proposed for quantitative study of the proton-exchanged LiNbO3 channel waveguides, which contain the different HxLi1–xNbO3phases, depending on the fabrication conditions. The spectroscopic parameters, phase composition and electro-optic properties of these waveguides have been found to be depending on the small variation of stoichiometry inthe near-congruent lithium niobate substrates used for waveguides fabrication.

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The Aperiodic DM-FFF compared to the A-FMM: A Rigorous Method forthe Modeling of Guided Optical StructuresStudent Paper

Habib Mohamad1, Sylvain Blaize2, Alain Morand1, Pierre Benech11IMEP-LAHC, CNRS, Grenoble-INP, Institute of Engineering Univ. Grenoble Alpes, 38000 Grenoble, France.2L2n, Universit ́e de Technologie de Troyes, 12 rue Marie Curie CS 42060 10004 Troyes Cedex, France.e-mail:


The differential method (DM) associated with Fast Fourier Factorization (FFF) has demonstrated its effec-tiveness with the modeling of metallic periodic diffractive structure especially when the grating is illuminatedwith TM polarization. In this paper, we will exploit the use of the DM-FFF in the guided optics domain andhow this method can be a powerful solution for the design of complex shaped photonic devices

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Er3+doped Silica-on-Siliconusing fs-laserdopingprocess for Integrated Waveguide AmplifierPlatforms ‘Student Paper’

Paramita Pal1, E. Kumi Barimah1, Benjamin Dawson2and Gin Jose1e-mail: of chemical and process engineering, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK


Rare earth dopedwaveguide amplifier (EDWA) onsilica-on-silicon (SOS)platform are area of great interest for silicon integrated photonics. Wereport the fabrication of erbium doped silica-on-silicon(SOS)wafer-scale platformsfor integrated waveguideamplifier and laserapplication. We used a method named-ultrafast laserplasma doping(ULPD) process on silica-on-siliconsubstrates usingerbium dopedzinc-sodiumtellurite glasses(TZN) as targets.The influence of laser energy on the doping process was studied in terms of the refractive index of the waveguidesformed and their photoluminescence properties.Planar slab waveguides of refractive index1.64at 633 nm and characteristic photoluminescence lifetimes of erbiumat 1535 nm wavelength emission, varying from 13.38 ms to 10.52 mswere obtained. We used higherrepetition rate (10 kHz)amplified Ti-Sapphire laser with pulse duration of 45 fsfor faster and efficient growth of active waveguide layerin this research

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Kerr effect enhancement through hybrid integration of 2D materials on thesilicon platformStudent Paper

Vincent Pelgrin1,2, Yuchen Wang2, Carlos Ramos1, Laurent Vivien1, Zhipei Sun2, Eric Cassan11Universit ́e Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, 91120, Palaiseau, France2Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering, Aalto University, P.O. Box 13500, FI-00076 Aalto, Finlande-mail:


2D materials such as graphene or transition metal dichalgogenide (TMD) have shown impressive perfor-mances in terms of second- and third-order non linearities. Hence, 2D materials have recently attracted attentionfor nonlinear applications, especially in the silicon platform where nonlinear effects are usually limited. However,this interest has raised numerous questions concerning the integration and applications that could follow. Herewe present results of early investigations into the design of waveguides for the 2D material hybrid integrationin the silicon platform. The work is focused on designing waveguides with strong effective permittivity andanomalous dispersion allowing the deposition of 2D materials. The engineering of the dispersion profile andthe study of the transverse mode profile are performed for this goal.

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Multi Mode Interferometer plus simplified coherent coupling to design asmall footprint SOI power splitter

R.Peyton1,2, D. Presti1,2, F. Videla1and G.A. Torchia1,21Centro de Investigaciones ́Opticas (CONICET-CIC-UNLP) Camino Centenario y 506, s/n,M.B. Gonnet (1897),Buenos Aires, Argentina2Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnolog ́ıa, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Roque Saenz Pe ̃na 352,Bernal (1876), Buenos Aires, Argentinae-mail:


In this contribution we present a new approach to fabricate under SOI platform very small footprint powersplitter. The design strategy is based on the well-known simplified coherent coupling combining to a multimode interferometer (MMI) structure. Along this paper, the sensibility of design parameters are analyzed anddiscussed. By this new approach which includes a MMI to spatially split the optical modes, can be constructeda very compact device. This opens a new avenue to improve and enhance the performance of integrated devicesdeveloped under SOI scheme and with high integration.

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Polarization splitter based on form birefringence for micron-scale Silicon photonics(Student Paper)

Dura Shahwar, Matteo Cherchi, Mikko Harjanne,andTimo AaltoVTT Technical Research Centre of Finlande-mail:


Polarization splitter and rotatorare important building blocks for on-chip polarization management.Here we present Mach-Zehnder interferometer ona3 μm-thick silicon on insulator (SOI)platform with different waveguide widths in the two arms, so to ensure the desired polarization dependence.Despite a suboptimal design of the device, we achievedextinction ratio (ER) >14dB for both polarizations on a bandwidth of 40nm. However, when focusing on a single polarization only, high ER>20 dB is observed, meaning that higher polarization extinction is possible with further optimization.

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Valley-polarized beam propagation in metallic photonic graphene

Kang WangUniversit ́e Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, 91405, Orsay, Francee-mail:


We investigate the electromagnetic wave propagation in a triangular metallic photonic graphene structureand show that, associated to trigonally warped Dirac cones, the transport properties resulting from an incidentbeam at the armchair edge display drastically different behaviors as compared tothe results obtained forother analogous systems. Namely, associated to the lower Dirac cone, the incident beam is collimated to onecenter beam; while, associated to the upper cone, it is split into two beams with a2π/3angle. The otherexpected beams are all strongly inhibited. This can be related to the metallicnature of the structure, where apropagating electromagnetic wave should follow the structure locals patterns that govern its field distribution,whose symmetry properties determine its excitation by an incident wave.This study highlights the singularityof a metallic photonic graphene in its interaction with the electromagnetic waves, and may find applications invalley photonics for high efficiency collimating and large angle beam splitting system designs.

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Session Poster 2 New technology, new materials, new modelling for non-linear and passive devices took place on June 23, 2020.

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