Session 7 Integrated lightsource 2020 ECIO

These papers were presented in the session Integrated Lightsource during the European Conference on Integrated Optics, 22nd edition 2020 in Paris

Study of hybrid silicon quantum dot frequency comb laser dynamic for 5G and datacom applications

Bozhang Dong1, Jianan Duan1, Heming Huang1, Geza Kurczveil2, Di Liang2, and Fr´ed´eric Grillot1;3 1LTCI, T´el´ecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 19 Place Marguerite Perey, 91120 Palaiseau, France 2Hewlett Packard Labs, 1501 Page Mill Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA 3Center for High Technology Materials, University of New-Mexico, Albuquerque, New-Mexico, 87106, USA

This work reports on the high performance of a 1.3 m hybrid quantum dot frequency comb laser. The material parameters such as gain, differential gain, and linewidth enhancement factor are studied and linked to the comb dynamics. In particular, results show that a larger linewidth enhancement factor is more beneficial for comb operation; moreover, we demonstrate that, by employing optical injection, both the 3-dB bandwidth and
the flatness of the whole optical frequency comb is improved. Such novel findings give promising guidelines for the development of high-speed dense wavelength division multiplexing photonic integrated circuits in upcoming 5G telecommunications and datacom applications.
Keywords: frequency comb, quantum dot, silicon photonics, optical injection, linewidth enhancement factor.

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Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Narrow Linewidth Laser Diode Based on Self-injection locking with External Micro-ring Resonator

Liwei Tang1,2, Shuai Shao1,2, Sigang Yang1,2, Hongwei Chen1,2, Minghua Chen1,2
1 Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China
2 Beijng National Research Center for Information Science and Technology (BNRist), Beijing, 100084, China

A chip-scale frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) laser is implemented by coupling the distributed feedback (DFB) laser to an external high-Q micro-ring resonator based on Si3N4 waveguide. By self-injection locked, the laser realizes continuous tuning and frequency modulated without mode hopping. The lasering frequency is tracing the resonant frequency of the micro-ring which is tuned by thermo-optic (TO) effect. The laser shows a DC frequency tuning range of 9.1 GHz with a low noise of 3.7 kHz linewidth. Dynamic timefrequency domain analysis of the frequency modulation is also demonstrated, which has a potential application for light detection and ranging (LIDAR).
Keywords: Integrated optics, semiconductor laser, frequency sweep

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Single-mode and multi-mode DBR lasers using InP-Si3N4/SiO2 integration (Student paper)

S. Boust1,2, Y. Ibrahimi1, J.-F. Paret1, A. Garreau1, K. Mekhazni1, C. Fortin1, F. Duport1, M. Vallet2, J.-M. Fedeli3, F. van Dijk1 1 III-V Lab, a joint lab between Nokia Bell Labs, Thales Research and Technology and CEA-LETI, 1 Avenue Augustin Fresnel, 91767 Palaiseau, France 2 Univ. Rennes, CNRS, Institut FOTON – UMR 6082, 35000 Rennes, France
3 CEA-LETI Univ. Grenoble Alpes, 38000 Grenoble, France

We propose to highlight the versatility of the integration of InP and Si3N4 platforms by presenting two hybrid lasers. Our first laser reaches a narrow optical linewidth of 5.6 kHz at 1546 nm, with a continuous tuning range of 12.7 GHz and a 65 dB side-mode suppression ratio. Then, we report preliminary work on another integrated multimode laser which presents 48 optical lines in a 10 dB bandwidth, spaced 1.19 GHz apart. Such integrated sources present low consumption, compact and affordable solutions for LiDAR, coherent communication transmissions or spectroscopy.
Keywords: Distributed Bragg reflector lasers, hybrid lasers, narrow linewidth, comb source

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These papers were presented in the session Integrated Lightsource during the European Conference on Integrated Optics, 22nd edition 2020 in Paris

The session Integrated Lightsource took place on June 24, 2020.

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