Session 6 Transreceivers and high speed devices

These papers were presented in the session Transreceivers and high speed devices during the European Conference on Integrated Optics, 22nd edition 2020 in Paris

Mark Earnshow – (Invited) Challenges and opportunities in photonics/electronics co-packaging for next generation receivers

Silicon-germanium p-i-n photodiodes with double heterojunction: high-speed operation at 10Gbps and beyond

Daniel Benedikovic1, Léopold Virot2, Guy Aubin1, Jean-Michel Hartmann2, Farah Amar1, Bertrand Szelag2, Xavier Le Roux1, Carlos Alonso-Ramos1, Paul Crozat1, Éric Cassan1, Delphine Marris-Morini1, Charles Baudot3, Frédéric Boeuf3, Jean-Marc Fédéli2, Christophe Kopp2, and Laurent Vivien11Universite Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, 91120, Palaiseau, France2University Grenoble, Alpes and CEA, LETI, Grenoble, France3STMicroelectronics, Silicon Technology Development, Crolles, Francee-mail:


We present recent resultsonhigh-speed waveguidep-i-nphotodetectors with lateral hetero-structured Silicon-Germanium-Silicon (Si-Ge-Si) junctions monolithically integrated on Silicon-on-Insulator substrates. Opticalphotodetectorsleverageaunique integration strategy, combiningbutt-waveguide-coupling and lateral Si-Ge-Si p-i-n hetero-junctions. Fabrication is then easier, more robust and fully compatible withavailable Si-foundry processes.Under a low-voltage operation, 1μmwide deviceshavedark currents of at most150 nA, highresponsivity of 1.2 A/W, and -3dB cut-off frequency of 12 GHz. Furthermore, an errorless detectionis experimentallyachievedfor a conventional 10 Gbps data rate, withpower sensitivitydown to -13.9 dBm with a bit-error-rate (BER) of 10-9.Moreover, under avalanche operation, a 0.8μmwide p-i-n diode offersattractive improvements in opto-electrical performances. In particular, initial results show that device responsivity is enhanced from 0.42A/W up to2.79 A/W thanks to anavalanche multiplication gain of 6.7. The cut-off frequency remains larger than 17 GHz with a gain of 10.6, resulting in a gain-bandwidth productgreater than180GHz. These promising results also yielderror-free communicationat10-9with28 Gbps signal, providing power sensitivities down to -12.7 dBmat 10-9BER. These results make hetero-structured p-i-n photodetectors appealing choice for high-bit-rate systems in integrated silicon nanophotonics

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240 Gb/s (8×30 Gb/s) Directly Modulated Transmitter Monolithically Integrated on InPG.

Contestabile1, F. Bontempi1, and N. Andriolli11Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italynow with National Research Council of Italy -Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering (CNR-IEIIT), Via Caruso 16, 56122 Pisa, Italye-mail:


We report a high-speed integrated 8-channel transmitter fabricated using a generic InP integration platform. The photonic integrated circuits (PICs) include tunable directly modulated DFB lasers emitting in the C-band, monitoring photodetectors, MMI couplers and output spot size converters. The directly modulated lasers, designed in order to fit within a 100 GHz grid, show a maximum 3-dB small signal bandwidth of 21GHz and a tunability range of about 4nm. Operation up to 30Gb/s per channel is reported for 200+ Gb/s applications.

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Session 6 Transreceivers and high speed devices took place on June 23, 2020.

For more information about photonics applications, click here.

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