Session 2 Sensing, spectroscopy and biophotonics

These papers were presented in the session Sensing, spectroscopy and biophotonics during the European Conference on Integrated Optics, 22nd edition 2020 in Paris

Integrated Photonic Lantern for Speckle Spectroscopy Student Paper

Dan Yi, Yaojing Zhang, Xinru Wu and Hon Ki Tsang Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong SAR


We propose a high-resolution compact spectrometer based on a multimode waveguide with a planar photonic lantern. Four modes were launched into the multimode waveguide via asymmetric directional couplers and individually switched by four modulators. The mode field of the multimode waveguide was spatially sampled to four separate detectors. By measuring the 64 possible states (16 switch states × 4 modes), the spectrum of the optical signal can be recovered. Experimentally, we demonstrate a spectroscopy with a 0.3-nm resolution at a wavelength of 1560 nm using multimode waveguide length of 0.5 mm. The operation bandwidth can be increased by compressive sensing for sparse spectra reconstruction. We believe this work to be the first time for high spectral resolution measurement with only four integrated detectors. This work may lead to ultra-compact and sensitive compressive sensing systems.

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Tunable optical dual-comb experiments using silicon Mach-Zehnder modulators(Student Paper)

Lucas Deniel1, Erwan Weckenmann2, Diego Pérez Galacho1,+, Laurent Bramerie2, Carlos Alonso-Ramos1, Fréderic Boeuf3, Laurent Vivien1, Christophe Peucheret2, Delphine Marris-Morini11Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, 91120 Palaiseau, France2Univ Rennes, CNRS, FOTON -UMR 6082, F-22305 Lannion, France3ST Microelectronics, 850 rue Jean Monnet, 38920 Crolles, France+Now at ITEAM research institute, Universitat Politècnica de València, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022, Valencia, Spaine-mail:


Dual comb spectroscopy is a technique that simultaneously enableshigh signal-to-noise ratio andquasi-instantaneousmeasurementsofoptical spectra. It requires the generation of two mutually coherent optical frequency combs, and electro-optical modulation of a monochromatic carrier can be used for thispurpose. By tuning the applied modulation frequency, itis possible to control the spacing between the lines of the electro-optical frequency combs (EOFCs), and by changing the input carrier frequency, it is possible to control the EOFCsabsolute frequencies. On-chip EOFC generators are highly desirable to develop low-cost and low-weight dual-comb systems. In this context,silicon photonics is a promising technology, as it benefits from CMOS compatible fabrication process. In this work, a demonstration of dual-comb generation is performed, using two silicon Mach-Zehnder modulators. Thetunablity of the obtained 5 main beat noteswas studied for an input wavelength rangingfrom 1530 nm to 1570 nm, and for a driving modulation frequency between1 GHz and 12 GHz.

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Laura Lechuga – Invited Optical biosensors

Realization of a Hybrid Integrated Diode laser for Visible Light Student Paper

Albert van Rees1, Cornelis A. A. Franken1, Youwen Fan1, Dimitri Geskus2, Ronald Dekker2, Douwe H. Geuzebroek2, Carsten Fallnich3, Peter J. M. van der Slot1, and Klaus-J. Boller11 Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics, Faculty of Science and Technology, MESA+ Institute of Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands2 Lionix International BV, Enschede, The Netherlands3 Institute of Applied Physics, University of Münster, Münster, Germanye-mail:


Hybrid integration of a semiconductor amplifier with a feedback circuit containing ring resonators has been widely demonstrated in the infrared. Such lasers provide ultra-narrowband and single-mode oscillation, which can be tuned over a large spectral range, and easily integrated in a photonic circuit. Contrary to this, applications in the visible spectral range, such as precision metrology with optical clocks, rely on bulk optics lasers, which are susceptible to acoustic noise as they cannot be integrated on a chip. To realize hybrid integrated lasers in the visible range, where scattering losses are typically higher than in the infrared, it is required to design a feedback circuitbased on low-loss waveguides. Here, we present the first design and realization of a hybrid integrated diode laser in the visible, by integrating an AlGaInP based amplifier with a Si3N4 based feedback circuit. Our experimental results show that the laser can be tuned over a 11 nm wide interval around the central wavelength of 685 nm and that it delivers a single wavelength output power of up to 4.8 mW. This result is of great importance for the development of on-chip narrowband and tuneable light sources in the visible range.

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Highly Sensitive and Fast Responsive Photonic Integrated Relative Humidity Sensor using Porous SiO2 Cladding Student Paper

Mahir Asif Mohammed1, F.A. de Bot1, Oded Raz11Electro-Optical Communications Group, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhovene-mail:


Silicon dioxide (SiO2)surface is knowntobe hydrophilic in nature. By increasing the porosity of SiO2thin layers, one can realize a much larger surface area to trap a significantly largeramount of water. Exploiting these effects, a micro-ring resonator (MRR) based photonic integrated relative humidity sensorwith a porous SiO2cladding is demonstrated. The MRR easily tracks a 30 –70 % relative humidity change (with a respective 3 nmresonance shift) and alinear operationregionis observed between 30 –55 %. Time-resolved humidity measurementsindicated the highly sensitive and fast responsive nature of this sensor compared to a commonly used electronics-based sensor.

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Real-time functionalization and biosensing in subwavelength grating bimodal waveguides(Student paper)

Luis Torrijos-Mor ́an, Paula Mart ́ınez-P ́erez and Jaime Garc ́ıa-Rup ́erezNanophotonics Technology Center, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spaine-mail:


In this paper, we present for the first time experimental results of biosensing processes by using sub-wavelength grating bimodal waveguides as a refractive index sensors. We demonstrate the detection of 10ppmconcentration of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) with a 190pm wavelength shift after a functionalization ofthe sensor surface with a layer of protein A/G in a continuous flowing system. Real-time data of each step isobtained, validating these kind of novel and highly sensitive SWG sensors for biosensing purposes.

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Session 2 Sensing, spectroscopy and biophotonics took place on June 23, 2020.

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