Monolithically Integrated Tunable Comb Source using Gain Switched Slotted Fabry-P´erot Lasers (Student Paper)
John McCarthy 1;2, Mohamad Dernaika 3, Jack Mulcahy 1;2, Albert A. Ruth 4, Satheesh Chandran 4,
Prince M. Anandarajah 5, Eamonn P. Martin 5, Justin K. Alexander 6, Frank H. Peters 1;2
1Tyndall National Institute, Lee Maltings, Cork, Ireland
2Physics Department, University College Cork, College Road, Cork, Ireland
3Rockley Photonics Ireland, Lee Mills House, Lee Maltings, Cork, Ireland
4Physics Department and Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
5School of Electronic Engineering, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland
6Aeponyx, Montreal, QC, Canada
A tunable comb generation photonic integrated circuit (PIC) is demonstrated by gain switching a three
section device. The PIC consists of a slave laser section and master laser, where the master laser is made up
of a gain and a slotted mirror section. The tunability of the master laser was demonstrated by varying the bias across the gain and slotted sections producing nine wavelengths (with a side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) greater than 30 dB) with a tuning range of 1555 nm – 1582 nm. Frequency combs were produced by injection locking the slave laser to the master laser and gain switching the slave laser by applying a high power radio
frequency (RF) signal using a signal generator, an RF amplifier and a ground-signal (GS) probe. Combs were generated with line spacings ranging from 3 GHz – 9 GHz.
Keywords: Slotted Fabry-P´erot, gain switching, tunable wavelength, frequency comb, injection locking.
Heterogeneous integration of III-V materials on Silicon photonic platforms: In the quest for high power, single-longitudinal mode and widely tuneable on-chip laser diodes Student Paper
P. Fanneau1, C. Besancon1, H. Elfaiki1, T. Verolet1, D. Neel1, N. Vaissiere1, S. Malhouitre2, V. Muffato, C Jany2, A. Shen1, C. Caillaud1, J. Decobert1, D. Bitauld1, S. Olivier2, K. Hassan2 and J. M. Ramirez1
1 III-V Lab, Avenue Augustin Fresnel, 1, Palaiseau 91767, France
2 CEA LETI, Minatec, Grenoble, France
On-chip light sources and amplifiers are meant to be key components for next generation datacentres and long haul telecommunications managing large amounts of data within the Terabyte and Zetabyte range. To successfully deploy them, high-power, narrow linewidth and widely tunable compact lasers are needed to allocate multiple parallel data channels with optimum performance and low energy consumption. In this perspective, we demonstrate compact heterogeneous tunable laser diodes integrated on a 200-mm silicon photonics platform. It provides 5 dBm of optical fiber-coupled power in a wafer-testing configuration with a current density threshold of 1.7 kA/cm2 , a differential resistance below 6 Ω at the nominal bias point and a tunable range of 60 nm within the C-band of telecommunications. Moreover, the small device footprint of ~1 mm2, the large scalability heterogeneous III-V-on-SOI integration and the maturity of the fabrication processes make these lasers a compelling solution for competitive future wavelength-division-multiplexing solutions.
Keywords: Heterogeneous integration, silicon photonics, lasers, optical links, datacentres, telecommunications
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