Integrated quantum photonics – Presented by Andrea Fiore, Eindhoven University of Technology, Dep. Applied Physics at the 19th edition European Conference on Integrated Optics, which takes place on 3 – 5 April 2017 at Eindhoven University of Technology, Blauwe Zaal in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Integrated quantum photonics enables the scaling of quantum optics experiments to a level of complexity and photon number beyond the possibilities of table-top set-ups. In the long term it may also allow the implementation of small-scale quantum simulators involving few tens of photonic qubits. To this aim, however, extremely efficient single-photon sources, detectors and passive optics must be integrated within a single quantum photonic platform. Additionally, the sources must be fully tuneable so that single photons produced by different sources can be indistinguishable and interfere with each other. I will present our progress in the integration of sources, waveguides and detectors on a GaAs quantum photonic platform.
About Andrea Fiore
Andrea Fiore graduated in Electrical Engineering and in Physics at University of Rome “La Sapienza”. He carried out his PhD at Thomson CSF and subsequently worked at UCSB, at the Italian CNR and at EPF Lausanne. Since October 2007, he is professor of Nanophotonics at the Eindhoven University of Technology.
About Eindhoven University of Technology, Dep. Applied Physics
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