The impact of the photonic integration platform of choice on the performance of a novel hybrid optoelectronic neuron based on time division multiplexing that we recently proposed is analyzed and discussed. An invited speaker presentation by Giampiero Contestabile, Associate Professor at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies.
About Giampiero Contestabile
Giampiero Contestabile received the Laurea degree in Physics from “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Rome, Italy, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications from “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, in 1998 and 2001, respectively. From 2002 is with “Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna” of Pisa, Italy as an Assistant Professor and, from 2018, as an Associate Professor. From 2002 he is also an Affiliate Researcher with CNIT, Photonic National Lab.
His research interests include photonic integrated circuits, optical systems, and semiconductor optical amplifiers and lasers. On these subjects, he has authored and co-authored more than 200 papers published in international peer-reviewed journals and presented in leading international conferences.
He is (has been) TPC member of major international conferences including OFC and ECOC and is Area Editor of IET Electronics Letters and Associate Editor of IEEE Communication Letters.
About Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies is a public university institute – with special autonomy – working in the field of applied sciences: Economics and Management, Law, Political Sciences, Agricultural Sciences and Plant Biotechnology, Medicine, and Industrial and Information Engineering.
The School promotes the internationalization of didactics and research with innovative paths in the fields of university education, scientific research and advanced training.
A research university, a school of talent, for a more sustainable and inclusive world
The School’s mission is that of serving as a benchmark and quality public institution, attracting talents which are nurtured and educated, in order to take care of the world and to responsibly contribute to its cultural growth and sustainability. We are conscious that merit based on quality skills and commitment represents the true driver of development, the principal mechanism of social mobility, and the resource that we must implement in order to address the challenges of sustainability and justice that the world is currently facing.
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Giampiero Contestabile is invited speaker at the 2024 edition of the European Conference on Integrated Optics with his talk about the impact of the photonic integration platform of choice on the performance of a novel hybrid optoelectronic neuron .