Instructions for authors

Oral Sessions
The presentation times for oral sessions are as follows:

  • contributed talks 15 minutes
  • invited talks 30 minutes

Please consider that each presentation should include 3 minutes for Q&A.
Presenters and chairs should meet 20 minutes before the beginning of their session in the room indicated in the programme.
Presentation should be prepared in MS PowerPoint or in PDF format and uploaded directly in the assigned conference room before the beginning of the session.
A 16:9 FullHD video projector and a PC are available in conference rooms as well as a remote controller with laser pointer. We suggest preparing presentation in 16:9 format, however 4:3 would be also acceptable. Videos included in the presentation are recommended to be in WMV and AVI formats.

Poster Sessions
Poster boards are in vertical/portrait format and their size is A0 (W: 841 mm x H: 1189 mm).
Every poster-holder will display the paper number. All materials necessary for fastening the posters are provided by the organizers and are available in the poster area. Presenters are asked to set up their poster during the coffee break preceding the poster session.
Presenters should display paper titles, lists of authors and author affiliations on their posters.
Presenters are required to be available for discussion during the scheduled poster session. After the end of the session, presenters are asked to remove their own poster. The organizing committee does not take responsibility for posters left unattended after the end of the session.