European Conference on Integrated Optics 2017 Welcomes Raith GmbH as Bronze Partner. The conference takes place on 3 – 5 April 2017 at Eindhoven University of Technology, Blauwe Zaal in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
About Raith GmbH
Raith is a leading precision technology solution provider for nanofabrication, electron beam lithography, focused ion beam fabrication, nanoengineering and reverse engineering applications.Customers include universities and other organizations involved in various fields of nanotechnologyresearch and materials science – as well as industrial and medium sized enterprises that use nanotechnology for specific product applications or produce compound semiconductors. Founded in 1980 and headquartered in Dortmund, Germany, Raith employs more than 200 people. The company works as closely as possible with customers in the most important global markets, through subsidiaries in the Netherlands, the USA, and Asia and through an extensive partner and service network.
Service and Support
Providing excellent technical service and support for global customers is an integral part of Raith`s business model, as this is seen as being vital for success on both sides.
About European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) 2017
The European Conference on Integrated Optics has now reached its 19th edition. Innovation and industry uptake is accelerating, and to capture this increasing pace, we are now transitioning to an annual event.
In 2017 we return to Eindhoven at the Science Park of the Technical University of Eindhoven. We will retain the same clear focus on leading edge research, providing a forum for experts from industry and academia to share the latest new thinking and exchange new insights and findings in the fields of integrated optics, optoelectronics and nanophotonics.
The conference scope extends from new enabling materials to the design and modelling of photonic structures, functions, devices and circuits. We also capture innovations in hybrid integration, system-on-chip and system-in-package integration. Application areas range from optical tele- and data communications; optical interconnects, switching and storage; data and information processing, including integrated quantum circuits; and optical monitoring and sensing, including mid-IR photonics.