40 Years of Semiconductor Lasers, A Tribute to Markus-Christian Amann (Invited paper)
Jens Buus1, Ralf Meyer2
1 Gayton Photonics, 6 Baker Street, Gayton, Northants, NN7 3EZ, UK
2 Walter Schottky Institute, Technical University of Munich, Am Coulombwall 4, 85748 Garching, Germany
e-mail: jbuus@btinternet.com / ralf.meyer@wsi.tum.de
For over 40 years Markus-Christian Amann (MCA) was a prominent member of the semiconductor laser community, and made numerous significant contributions to a wide range of topics. In this presentation we will review some of these contributions. We will also add some comments of a more personal character.
Keywords: Markus-Christian Amann, ridge waveguide lasers, tunable lasers, VCSELs, quantum cascade lasers
40 Years of Semiconductor Lasers, A Tribute to Markus-Christian Amann
How can you be part of Nature Photonics? (Invited paper)
Rachel Won
Nature Publishing Group, The MacMillan Campus, 4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW, UK
e-mail: r.won@nature.com
Launched in January 2007, Nature Photonics is a monthly journal dedicated to optics and photonics that publishes top-quality, peer-reviewed research in all areas of light generation, manipulation and detection. This talk, although with an emphasis on Nature Photonics, will introduce you to all the existing and new Nature journals, and cover the detailed information and guidelines on scientific manuscript preparation and submission.
Also presented is an overview on the editorial and peer-review processes in all Nature journals. You will get to know what editors seek, how to write a good cover letter and a good scientific paper, the peer review process that your paper goes through and how to make an appeal. More importantly, you will find out how you can contribute to the journals apart from publishing your research.
How can you be part of Nature Photonics?