Tb/s-Class InP-Based System-On-Chip Photonic ICs
G. E. Hoefler, R. Going, R. Maher, M. Lauermann, A. Hosseini, M. Lu, N. Kim, P. Studenkov, , S. Corzine, J. Summers, M. Anagnosti, M. Montezari, H. Tsai, J. Zhang, B. Behnia, J. Tang, S. Buggaveeti, T. Vallaitis, J. Osenbach, M. Kuntz, X. Xu, K. Croussore, V. Lal, P. Evans, J. Rahn, T. Butrie, A. Karanicolas, K.-T. Wu, M. Mitchell, M. Ziari, D. Welch, and F. Kish
Infinera Corporation, 140 Caspian Court, Sunnyvale CA 94089 ghoefler@infinera.com
State-of-the-art monolithically integrated, multi-channel InP-based system on chip (SOC) photonic ICs have been developed to implement Tb/s class coherent transmitters and receivers with extended C-band tunability. A 14-channel PIC architecture is demonstrated enabling 4.9 Tb/s total capacity using 44 Gbaud 16-QAM coherent modulation. Furthermore, multi-channel coherent transmitter PIC with hybrid integrated with SiGe drivers capable of operating up to 1.0 Tb/s per wave, utilizing 100 GBaud, 32QAM modulation are demonstrated.
OCIS codes: (250.0250) Optoelectronics; (060.0060) Fiber optics and optical communications; (250.5300) Photonic integrated circuits; (060.1660) Coherent Communications
Microresonator soliton frequency combs
Maxim Karpov, John Jost, Hairun Guo, Martin H.P. Pfeiffer, Erwan Lucas, Junqiu Liu, Miles Anderson, Arslan S. Raja, Bahareh Ghadiani, Anton Lukashschuk, Wenle Weng, Romain Bouchand, Jia-Jung Ho, Michael Geiselmann, Tobias J. Kippenberg
Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Measurements (LPQM)
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, CH-1015, Switzerland
LiGenTec SA, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
e-mail: tobias.kippenberg@epfl.ch
Microresonator frequency combs provide access to compact, photonic-integrated optical comb with large mode spacing operating in a soliton regime. We will discuss the physics of such solitons and their applications in telecommunication and distance measurements.
Keywords: Integrated photonics, nonlinear optics, optical frequency combs, microresonators, optical solitons.
Silicon photonic biosensors
C. Ciminelli, D. Conteduca, F. Dell’Olio, M.N. Armenise Polytechnic University of Bari, Via Edoardo Orabona, 4, 70126 Bari – Italy
Tel: +390805963404, e-mail: caterina.ciminelli@poliba.it
Silicon-based optical biosensors used for biomedical applications are described. In particular, integrated optical devices and their advantages, in terms of high performance and compactness, and also high reliability and long life term, have been reported. Since the last years, these features have been allowing to realize high-efficiency biosensing platforms with on-chip integration of several biosensors for a multi-analyte detection. Many lab-onchip systems integrated in portable medical instruments have been proposed in literature and already commercialized in the worldwide market, so reaching extraordinary improvements in the early detection and monitoring of several diseases. Therefore, fast and accurate self-tests achievable with silicon photonic biosensors are remarkably opening new possibilities and applications in the healthcare industry.
Keywords: Biosensors, Silicon Photonics, Biophotonics
Th.3.3 9-IP, Caterina Ciminelli (Polit. Bari), “Silicon photonics biosensors”
Monolithically Integrated 3D Silicon Photonic Platforms
Joyce K. S. Poon
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto
10 King’s College Road, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G4, Canada joyce.poon@utoronto.ca
This talk presents my group’s progress in foundry-compatible, monolithically integrated multilayer silicon nitride-on-silicon (SiN-on-Si) photonic platforms. These SiN-on-Si photonic platforms contain several waveguide levels, and light can be routed vertically between the layers to realize 3D photonic devices and circuits. I will present our work on passive and active elements, including ultra-low-loss waveguide crossings, multi-layer grating couplers, polarization management components, and ultra-efficient Si depletion modulators. These advancements make possible the implementation of very large-scale photonic circuits for applications such as optical switching, phased arrays, and dense sensor systems.
Keywords: Integrated optics, silicon photonics, photonic devices