2017 Session M7: Receivers, Chair: Xaveer Leijtens

Silicon Photonic Transceiver Array based on the Transfer Printing of III-V O-band Photodetectors

Jing ZHANG, Amin ABASSI, Andreas DE GROOTE, Ruggero LOI, James O’CALLAGHAN, Brian CORBETT, António José TRINDADE, Christopher A. BOWER and Gunther ROELKENS
Photonics Research Group, Ghent University – imec, Technologiepark 15, 9052 Gent, Belgium
Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Lee Maltings, Cork, Ireland 3 X-Celeprint Limited, Cork, Ireland

Silicon photonics is emerging as a promising platform for the integration of high-speed optical transceivers and transceiver arrays. The technology allows for the realization of compact optical circuits integrating devices with low power consumption and high bandwidth. In this paper we elaborate on the realization of a 4-channel silicon photonic transceiver array for point-to-point Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) optical networks, operating at 10 Gbit/s per channel. In point-to-point optical networks every subscriber has its own transceiver at the central office side. In order to keep size and power consumption of such a central office manageable for a large number of subscribers, the realization of integrated, low power consumption transceiver arrays is of paramount importance. This is exactly the focus of this paper.


Balanced Waveguide Avalanche Photodetector Chip

Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz-Institute, Einsteinufer 37, 10587 Berlin

Abstract: We demonstrate a balanced waveguide avalanche photodiode chip with high bandwidth, sensitivity, linearity and low polarization dependence over the entire C-band. Moreover, we emphasize the integration with a homodyne coherent receiver for coherent transmission in data-centers.


Noise Insensitive Transparent Light Monitoring on a Silicon Photonics Chip

Douglas O. M. de AGUIAR, Andrea ANNONI, Emanuele GUGLIELMI, Francesco ZANETTO, Francesco MORICHETTI, Marco SAMPIETRO, Andrea MELLONI Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Via Ponzio 34/5, Milano, 20133, Italy

The complexity scaling up of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) enables the manipulation of many optical signals on a photonic chip, to perform operation like channel (de)multiplexing, routing, and switching. For these applications, it is useful to be able to identify each data channel inside the PIC, regardless of the presence of other concurrent channels and optical noise. In this work, we report on the optical signal to noise (OSNR) tolerance of on-chip channel monitoring performed with a transparent detector, namely ContactLess Integrated Photonic Probe (CLIPP) [1], which is integrated in a silicon photonics (SiP) waveguide. We show that, regardless of noise, the CLIPP can measure the power of optical channels that are suitably labelled through a weak modulation tone. An accuracy as high as 0.2 dB is demonstrated for an on-chip OSNR as low as 5 dB/0.1nm, with a power sensitivity of about -28 dBm.


Demonstration of Silicon-On-Insulator Coherent receiver for Radio-Over-Fiber applications

Jose D. SARMIENTO-MERENGUEL, Jochem VERBIST, Jing ZHANG, Bart MOENECLAEY, Johan Bauwelinck, Xin Yin, Robert HALIR, Alejandro ORTEGAMOÑUX, Íñigo MOLINA-FERNÁNDEZ, Gunther ROELKENS Universidad de Málaga, Dept. de Ingeniería de Comunicaciones, ETSI Telecomunicación, Campus de Teatinos s/n, Málaga, 29071, Spain
Photonics Research Group, Dep. INTEC, UGent-imec, 9052 Ghent, Belgium IDLab, Dep. INTEC, UGent-imec, 9052 Ghent, Belgium
Center for Nano- and Biophotonics, Ghent University, 9000 Ghent, Belgium

Radio-Over-Fiber transmission has emerged during the last years as a promising technology allowing the seamless integration of optical and wireless technologies. One of the most relevant applications of RoF systems is found in mobile networks, specifically in the transmission of RF signals from the base station (BS) to the central office (CO), as shown in figure 1 (a). Most of the current approaches are based on intensity-modulation/direct-detection (IM-DD) systems. On the other hand, schemes based on complex modulation formats, i.e. phase modulation and coherent detection (PM-CD), have also been proposed, overcoming the limited dynamic range of the IM-DD systems, and offering the coherent detection advantages, such as mitigation of fiber transmission impairments through signal processing, coherent gain, etc. Moreover, in coherent reception schemes, by properly tuning the local oscillator, downconversion of the RF signal can also be performed, thus relaxing the electronics.


Photonic ICs for Ultrahigh Speed and Coherent Systems

Andreas UMBACH
Finisar Germany, Reuchlinstraße 10-11, 10553 Berlin, Germany

Abstract: Photonic Integrated Circuits both in the InP and SiP material systems are becoming more and more popular as they provide solutions to the challenges of more and more miniaturization, optical and rf interconnects and the increasing cost pressure for optical components. Optical coherent transmission systems and photonic microwave photonics are application areas for highly complex and high speed PICs. Receiver PICs and transmitter PICs will be presented and discussed.