Recent advances in strained silicon photonics
Pedro Damas, Xavier Le Roux, Mathias Berciano, Guillaume Marcaud, Carlos Ramos Alonso, Daniel Benedikovic, Delphine Marris-Morini, Eric Cassan, Laurent Vivien*
Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris Saclay, CNRS UMR 8622, Bât. 220,91405 Orsay, France
Silicon photonics is being considered as the future photonic platform, mainly for the reduction of photonic system costs and the increase of the number of functionalities on the same integrated chip by combining photonics and electronics. However, silicon is a centrosymmetric crystal, which inhibits Pockels effect: a second order nonlinear effect which allows for light modulation at speeds that are not limited by carriers and driven at very low power consumption. Nevertheless, to overcome this problem, strain has been used as a way to deform the crystal and destroy the centrosymmetry which inhibits χ(2). In fact, over the last few years Pockels electro-optic modulation [1–4] and SHG [5,6] have been claimed to be demonstrated in devices where the silicon active region is strained by a stress overlayer, usually made of SiN. Motivated by its enormous potential, the interest in strained silicon photonics devices has been growing in the past years. However, in most of the experimental works, carrier effects were not taken into account, which led to an over-estimation of the nonlinear coefficient [7].
Optical Integration: Technological and Economical Aspects
Fraunhofer-Heinrich Hertz Institut, Germany
Optical technologies have a long history of success and failure. Success and failure do not only depend on technological performance but also on economy, sometimes also on psychology. Various material platforms like Silicon Photonics, Indium Phosphide, and polymer based hybrid integration are compared with regards to these aspects.
Integrated Platform in Chalcogenide Glasses for Optical Sensing in the Mid-InfraRed
Aldo GUTIERREZ1*, Loïc BODIOU1, Jonathan LEMAITRE1, Isabelle HARDY1, Joël CHARRIER1**, Emeline BAUDET2, Virginie NAZABAL2, Catherine BOUSSARD2, Bruno BUREAU2
1FOTON -UMR-CNRS 6082, ENSSAT CS 80518, F-22305 Lannion Cedex, France
2ISCR, UMR-CNRS 6226, Glass and Ceramics Team, 35042 Rennes, France
*, *
In the last few years, the mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral region, extending from 2 µm to 20 µm, has become a strategic wavelength range for photonic sensing applications due to the presence of a wide variety of fingerprints of gases (including CO2, CO, N2O, NO, CH4) and liquids (acetone and emerging pollutants: BTEX – Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene) [1,2]. The development of low-loss optical platforms and quantum cascade laser sources operating beyond 2 µm have been the key enabler of the development of mid-IR optical sensors [3]. Integrated optical sensors are now allowing quantitative, sensitive and selective detection of numerous molecules for health, defence and environmental applications. In addition, they provide several advantages over other kind of sensors, such as high integration of elements in a compact device, low fabrication cost and immunity to electromagnetic interference.
Nonlinear interactions in extremely low loss GaN planar waveguides.
Maksym GROMOVYI(1), Fabrice SEMOND(1), Julien BRAULT(1), Aimeric COURVILLE(1), Pascal BALDI(2), Jean-Yves. DUBOZ(1), Marc P. DE MICHELI(2)
1 CNRS-CRHEA, rue Bernard Grégory, 06560 Valbonne, France
2 LPMC, Parc Valrose, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, 06100 Nice France
Abstract: Combining MBE and MOVPE we have been able to fabricate GaN epitaxial planar waveguides exhibiting ultra low loss in the visible (≤1dB/cm @540nm) and allowing efficient NIR to visible nonlinear conversion.
Double-sided processing for membrane-based photonic integration
Longfei SHEN1*, Yuqing JIAO1, Aura HIGUERA-RODRIGUEZ1, Alonso MILLAN-MEJIA1, Gunther ROELKENS1,2, Meint SMIT1, Jos van der TOL1
1Photonic Integration Group, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2 Photonics Research Group, Ghent University-IMEC, Ghent, Belgium
Abstract: double-sided processing, as a fabrication technology dedicated for membrane photonics, gives rise to new design optimizations. This paper reports latest achievements of this processing scheme in an InP-membrane-on-silicon (IMOS) platform, with a focus on a high bandwidth (>6 GHz) photodetector. Furthermore, a novel integration platform based on the double-sided processing is proposed, to integrate high-performance building blocks in a single membrane layer, providing full photonic functionality.
Fabrication technology of photonic crystal nanobeams on III-V membranes
Photonics Integration department, TUe, De Rondom 70, Eindhoven, 5612AP, The Netherlands
In this article we present a technology process needed for membrane-based butt-joint waveguide-coupled 1D photonic crystal (PC) nanobeams (NBs). We discuss the results of etching experiments through different materials, chemistries and geometrical properties of the slabs to achieve high quality NBs.