A new hybrid fibre / planar platform for optics, offering ultralow loss and robust integration
Peter G.R. SMITH*, Christopher HOLMES, Stephen G. LYNCH, James C GATES, Sam. A. BERRY, Teresa I. FERREIRO, Alexander JANTZEN
Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
* peter.smith@soton.ac.uk
A novel hybrid optical fibre / planar platform is presented. The approach offers exceptionally low losses <0.003 db/cm and physical robustness. The approach is based on a combination of flame hydrolysis deposition onto an existing bare fibre laid upon a silica-on-silicon type substrate. Example devices include an anemometer and a narrow line laser based on external Bragg gratings.
Overview of Laser Sources for Silicon Photonic Transceivers
Sylvie MENEZO1*
1 CEA-Leti, Minatec Campus, Grenoble, 38054 Cedex 9, France
* sylvie.menezo@cea.fr
Several strategies have been adopted and are still being developed for providing SiPhotonic Integrated Circuits with lasers. “Hybrid integration” architectures (integration of processed and finished III-V chips, e.g. SOAs and Lasers) and “Heterogeneous integration” schemes (integration of unprocessed III-V material on Silicon, followed by wafer level processing) will be reviewed and compared.
High-Optical-Quality Oxide-Free InP-on-Si Hybrid Interface
Anne Talneau, I. Sagnes and G. Patriarche
Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures, route de Nozay, F-91460 Marcoussis
Corresponding author: anne.talneau@lpn.cnrs.fr
Abstract: Oxide-free bonding of InP on Si has already demonstrated a perfect crystallographic interface, without defects, amorphization or voids, the dislocations necessary to accommodate the large lattice mismatch being located in the grain boundary that does not extend further than a single atomic layer [1]. Here we demonstrate through the sensitive measurement of propagation losses of a hybrid mode supported by a hybrid shallow ridge and strongly sensing the hybrid interface that the oxide-free hybrid interface does have a perfect optical quality: no significant additional propagation losses could be measured compared to an oxide-mediated bonded hybrid waveguide or a comparable monolithic waveguide.
CMOS-compatible low-loss silicon nitride waveguide integration platform for interferometric sensing
Paul MUELLNER1*, Alejandro MAESE-NOVO1, Eva MELNIK1, Rainer HAINBERGER1, Guenther KOPPITSCH2, Jochen KRAFT2, Gerald MEINHARDT2
1AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, 1220, Vienna, Austria
2ams AG, Unterpremstätten, 8141, Austria
* paul.muellner@ait.ac.at
During the past fifteen years, the major driving force for extensive research in the field of silicon photonic integrated circuits has been the continuously increasing data traffic to be transmitted over optical fiber links. The focus has therefore been on silicon-oninsulator (SOI) based optical waveguide technology, which cannot be applied for shorter wavelengths in the visible and near infrared region at wavelength smaller than 1.1µm. However, the <1.1µm wavelength region is most relevant for life sciences and health related applications such as evanescent biosensing and novel medical imaging diagnostic applications, which gained significant importance in recent years. Many of these applications are based on interferometric sensing principles.
Euler bends and TIR mirrors for ultra-dense PIC integration on SOI
Timo AALTO1*, Mikko HARJANNE1, Matteo CHERCHI1, Sami YLINEN1
1VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tietotie 3, Espoo, 02044, Finland
* timo.aalto@vtt.fi
Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) can be realized on multiple technology platforms that all have their own strengths and limitations. In this paper we describe some of the latest results in the ultra-dense integration of PICs using 3 µm thick silicon-on-insulator (SOI) waveguides. In particular we describe the design, fabrication and testing of Euler bends and total internal reflection (TIR) mirrors that both allow to turn light e.g. 90° with an effective bending radius of a few micrometers and ~0.1 dB90° or smaller loss. For the Euler bends we also introduce a concept that allows designers to draw bends without the need to perform numerical simulations for each bend angle, wavelength and polarization that they want to use in the PIC.
Buried heterostructures for deep UV lithography
Valeria RUSTICHELLI1,2*, Huub H.P.P.M. AMBROSIUS1, René van VELDHOVEN1, Romain BRENOT2, Frederic POMMEREAU2, Kevin WILLIAMS1
1COBRA Institute, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands
2 III-V Lab, Route de Nozay, 91460 Marcoussis, France
* v.rustichelli@tue.nl
Buried Heterostructure (BH) lasers and amplifiers are known to have good thermal performance and efficient current injection [1-2]. However they have not so far been integrated with ridge waveguide devices, preventing complex circuit integration. The inclusion of BH waveguide in photonic circuits requires their integration with deep and shallow waveguides and this has been challenging to achieve because the active and passive waveguides are defined in different mask layers. The waveguides may be connected using either precision tapers [3] and or precision mask alignment at the 100 nm scale.